Add co-organizers to a meeting in Microsoft Teams
After you've invited people to your meeting, you can add up to 10 co-organizers to help manage your meeting. Co-organizers are displayed as additional organizers in the meeting participant list and have most of the capabilities of the meeting organizer.
Co-organizer capabilities
Co-organizers can: |
Co-organizers can't: |
Access and change meeting options |
Manage the meeting recording |
Manage breakout rooms |
Remove or change the meeting organizer's role |
Bypass the lobby |
Admit people from the lobby during a meeting |
Lock the meeting |
Present content |
Change another participant’s meeting role |
Change meeting options during a channel meeting* |
End meeting for all |
To allow co-organizers to change meeting options in a channel meeting, they must be directly invited in the channel meeting invitation.
External participants can't be made co-organizers.
To allow co-organizers to manage breakout rooms, they must be from the same organization as the meeting organizer.
Add co-organizers to a meeting
To add co-organizers to a meeting you've scheduled:
Open a meeting in your Teams Calendar.
Make sure the people you want to add as co-organizers have already been added as required attendees.
Select Meeting Options.
Select Roles .
In Choose co-organizers, select their names from the dropdown menu.
Select Save.
Note: Co-organizers must be in the same organization as the meeting organizer, or be using a guest account in the same org.
Want to learn more? See Overview of meetings in Teams.