Track your order from Microsoft Store
Where is my order?
If you bought a physical item from the Microsoft Store, and we're shipping it to you, you can check the status on the order history page.
Tip: If you didn't sign in and used Guest Checkout when you created your order, use the Guest Order Lookup instead.
If the status of your order is Shipped, check for a Track Shipping link below the status. Pending orders may require updated information or change of payment method.
Recent purchases may not have a status right away. Check back later to see the progress of your order.How soon will my items ship?
Our business days are Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, excluding holidays. If you place an order on a weekend or holiday, or after 12pm, the order will be processed on the next business day.
Delivery times through Microsoft Store may take longer around holidays or due to circumstances out of our control.
See also
Look up a Microsoft Store guest order
How do I download my digital game or game content?
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