Select the correct link for help with canceling a Microsoft 365, Microsoft Copilot Pro or an Xbox subscription. For all other subscriptions, follow the steps in the Cancel other Microsoft subscriptions section below.
Cancel a Microsoft 365, Copilot Pro or Xbox subscription
Cancel other Microsoft subscriptions
To cancel other Microsoft subscriptions, such as ClipChamp, or for additional OneDrive storage, please follow the instructions below.
Go to Subscriptions and sign in with the Microsoft account you used to purchase your subscription. It's important to use that account.
Note: If you purchased a Microsoft subscription from Google Play or the Apple app store, contact their customer support for cancellation or refund.
Find your subscription and select Manage.
Note: If you see Turn on recurring billing instead of a link that says Manage, this means your subscription is already set to expire on the date shown and you won't be automatically charged after this date. There's nothing further to do at this time and you can continue to use the product until the subscription expires.
On the next page, select Cancel (or it might say Upgrade or Cancel, depending on your subscription type).
Scroll through and follow the instructions on the page to proceed with cancellation. To view our complete cancellation policy, see Microsoft Store Terms of Sale.
Note: In the following countries, you can cancel your subscription, and depending on the subscription length you may be entitled to a prorated refund. See Countries with prorated refunds for Microsoft subscriptions for more information. Any subscription length - Canada, Israel, Korea, and Turkey Subscriptions longer than 1 month and renewed - Denmark, Finland, Germany (purchases on or after March 1, 2022), Netherlands, Poland, and Portugal
Tip: If you're a small business owner looking for more information on how to get Microsoft 365 set up, visit Small business help & learning.
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For technical support, go to Contact Microsoft Support, enter your problem and select Get Help. If you still need help, select Contact Support to be routed to the best support option.