Modify your Teams settings directly in the desktop or mobile app. Change your profile picture, set your status, or try out different light themes to make your account more personal. You can also switch up your call ringtone, set up an Out of Office schedule, and much more. 

Open Teams in-app settings

  1. In Microsoft Teams, select Settings and more Teams settings and more icon. next to your profile picture.

  2. Select Settings Settings button to modify your settings from the left navigation bar.

Change Teams settings

Teams will reflect the same date and time format as your device's language, date, and time settings. For example, if your device's display language is set to English (United States), the date and time in Teams will display the regional format used in the United States.

Change your language settings

To change your language settings on a Windows device:

  1. Open System settings on your Windows device.

  2. Select Time & language.

  3. Under Language & region > Windows display language, choose the language you want to use from the dropdown menu.

    Note: To install a new language to use, select Add a language, choose the language you want to install, and select Next > Install.

  4. For more language settings, select More options Ellipsis icon > Language options next to your language.language screenshot one version two.png

Change your region

When you update your region in your device's settings, Teams will reflect those changes. 

To set your region on a Windows device:

  1. Open Settings on your Windows device.

  2. Select Time & language.

  3. Under Region, select your region from the Country or region dropdown menu.Regional settings on a Windows device.

  4. Keep your Regional format set to Recommended to sync your regional date and time with other apps, or choose another setting from the dropdown menu.

To change your region on MacOS:

  1. Open System Settings on your MacOS device.

  2. Select General Language & Region.

  3. Select the Region dropdown menu and choose your region.Settings to change your region on MacOS

  4. Confirm your regional change. 

Change your time zone

When you change your time zone in your device's settings, Teams will reflect those changes. You can also enable location permissions to update your time zone automatically.

To change your time zone on a Windows device:

  1. Open Settings on your Windows device.

  2. Select Time & language > Date & time.

  3. Next to Time zone, choose your time zone from the dropdown menu.

To change your time zone on a MacOS device:

  1. Open System Settings on your MacOS device.

  2. Select General Date & Time.

  3. If the Set time zone automatically toggle is on, your time zone will update to reflect the time zone where you're currently located. 

    • To manually change your time zone, turn off the Set time zone automatically toggle. Then, select your Closest city from the dropdown menu to change to that city's time zone.Settings to change your time zone on MacOS

Remember to restart Teams to reflect your updates.  

Changing your preferred language and region in Teams also updates your time and date format. 

Tip: Below the setting for keyboard language is a checkbox for spell check. This is on by default, uncheck the box to turn it off.

Set Teams to start automatically

Teams is set to automatically open and run in the background as soon as you start your device. If you close the app, it keeps running in the background. You can change these settings anytime. 

  1. Select your profile picture at the top right of Teams

  2. Select Settings and more Teams settings and more icon.> Settings Settings button> General.

  3. From the System section, uncheck the box next to Auto-start Teams. You can also change your settings so the app won't run in the background or keep running after you close your window.

Related topics

Manage notifications in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams connected teams sites 

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