This update replaces previously released updates. You should always install the latest update.
After you install this hotfix, you might have to update your license to gain access to new objects that are included in this or a previous update. (This applies only to customer licenses.)
For a list of updates that were released for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2, see released updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2. Updates are intended for new and existing customers who are running Microsoft Dynamics Released Updates for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2.
We recommend that you contact your Microsoft Dynamics Partner before you install hotfixes or updates. It is important to verify that your environment is compatible with the hotfixes or updates that will be installed. A hotfix or update may cause interoperability issues with customizations and third-party products that work together with your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central solution.
Problems that are resolved in this update
The following problems are resolved in this update.
Platform hotfixes
ID |
Title |
415349 |
The dropdown field is unavailable in lines when there is a visibility condition. |
415322 |
"You cannot make this call on table ID 2000000121 from a RecordRef data type when you are using a compilation target other than OnPrem" error message during OnPrem installation when subscribing to GlobalTriggerManagement events. |
413422 |
The session crashes when annotating events with TryFunction without subscribers. |
411518 |
An endless loop between client and server when modifying records by the OnAfterGetCurrRecord trigger. |
413820 |
Improve performance of the web server. |
414620 |
IRIS notifications work with segmentation. |
415256 |
Fix the memory leak for long running sessions. |
409675 |
The apps with a first-party table extension can't be installed when redeploying without breaking changes. |
411399 |
Unable to delete a not opened company when using the admin endpoint. |
412215 |
The client crashes if a query object is using a SETRANGE function that references a query enum field. |
413601 |
The ErrorInfo function is not available the scope is specified as Cloud. |
413696 |
Increase the row limit for reports to 10,000,000 rows. |
413836 |
The telemetry flag RT0008 HttpStatusCode always returns 200 even if there is unauthorized 401, 404, or 429. |
414311 |
The Lookups and Dropdowns doesn't show all fields from the corresponding filtergroup leads to hang. |
Application hotfixes
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411909 |
Notifications do not follow the language settings of the user. |
Administration |
414462 |
Error message exists and an empty customer is created when trying to create a new customer using a customer template with the option Validate EU VAT Reg. No. is enabled. |
Administration |
413717 |
Performance issues when importing or posting a file with more than 6000 lines in the payment reconciliation journal. |
Cash Management |
414169 |
Unable to import bank statements. |
Cash Management |
411493 |
The Remittance Advice report prints duplicated copies when printing multiple payment entries. |
Cash Management |
411354 |
The G/L Entries are not posted correctly after an issued finance charge memo is canceled. |
Finance |
411855 |
"The target email address has not been specified on the document layout for Customer: %1, S.Quote." error message refers to S.Quote instead of the Customer Statement. |
Finance |
411857 |
The due date of the reversal Customer Ledger Entry is incorrect when generating Recurring General Journals with the Recurring Method = RV Reversing Variable. |
Finance |
411861 |
The Error Messages FactBox on the intrastat journals page only shows the errors for one line instead of all lines. |
Finance |
411870 |
The Indent Chart of Accounts action doesn't change the values in End-Totals. |
Finance |
411871 |
A duplicated Purchase invoice will be incorrectly generated in another company when posting a sales order generated by an IC transaction based on the purchase order from that company. |
Finance |
411907 |
"Vat Reg. No." is used instead of "VAT Reg No." in the caption. |
Finance |
411911 |
The Ignore Details option is needed in the EU VAT Registration No. Validation Service. |
Finance |
411923 |
"The length of the string is 36, but it must be less than or equal to 30 characters" error message when trying to map fields with a caption length bigger than 30 characters in the Data Exchange Definition framework as intermediate table. |
Finance |
411927 |
Rounding lines are inserted incorrectly in reminders. |
Finance |
411930 |
"The field No. of table Default Dimension contains a value (xxx) that cannot be found in the related table" error message when selecting a dimension value on the Cash Flow Manual Revenues page. |
Finance |
412087 |
"The dimension value has been used in posted or budget entries. You cannot delete it." error message when the dimension value is not used in posted entries or budget entries and does not exists on any unposted transaction or journal line. |
Finance |
412088 |
The caption in Cash Flow Forecast Statistics FactBox uses Manual Payments To date while the drill down filter uses Workdate. |
Finance |
412096 |
Allow the value filter in dimension to automatically update after entering a new dimension value. |
Finance |
412090 |
The VAT amount is different (cent differences) in a purchase invoice with Normal VAT compared to a purchase invoice with Reverse Charge VAT. |
Finance |
412299 |
The Payment Method Code is not filled in the registered customer payment entries. |
Finance |
413132 |
"xxxx must have a value in Payment Export Data: Entry.=No.=. It cannot be zero or empty." error message when trying to export a payment file. |
Finance |
411906 |
"One or more document lines with a value in the No. field do not have a quantity specified." error message when posting an intercompany purchase invoice. |
Finance |
411852 |
"The value in the Line Discount % field must be between 0 and 100." error message after reopening and updating the Line Amount Excl. Tax field value in the Purchase Order. |
Finance |
411860 |
The Tax Base is not calculated correctly in the Day Book Customer Ledger Entry report when using the Sales Tax. |
Finance |
412077 |
The issued lines and total FactBoxes are not automatically refreshed in the Background Error Check for Journals in the United States version. |
Finance |
413128 |
The Sender Bank Name must have a value in the Payment Export Data when exporting a payment file. |
Finance |
412005 |
The customer and vendor addresses exceed the allowed maximum length of 70 characters in SEPA(Single Euro Payment Area) Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfer files. |
Finance |
411865 |
The posting date at the generated fixed asset G/L journal lines is incorrect after running the Calculate Depreciation report by the report scheduler. |
Fixed Assets |
411918 |
"Book Value must not be negative or less than Salvage Value" error message when trying to post fixed asset G/L journal lines created from the Reclassify task. |
Fixed Assets |
414789 |
The option to open the FA G/L Journal is greyed out but enabled when the Fixed Asset Acquisition Wizard is upon finish. |
Fixed Assets |
411942 |
"City xxx already exists" error message when trying to modify records in the Post Code table using a configuration package. |
Integration |
411932 |
The default attributes are lost after changing the Item Category name from the list page. |
Inventory |
412036 |
Dimensions behave differently in the Service Item Worksheet. |
Inventory |
412071 |
The General Ledger Reconciliation page does not recognize the Standard Cost Revaluation of the expected cost value. |
Inventory |
413488 |
The receipt date cannot be changed in the transfer order header after posting the ship. |
Inventory |
415518 |
Available quantity to reserve changes when dealing with the manual reservation status on the purchase side. |
Inventory |
414778 |
The expiration date is taking incorrect quantities in the Lot No. Information Card. |
Inventory |
411899 |
The Bin Code is missing from assembly orders created from assemble-to-order lines on the Sales Order. |
Inventory |
413634 |
The transfer order lines take the Default Dimension Set ID from the Transfer Order Header instead of the Default Dimension Value from the Item Card causes default dimension value incorrect on the manually added transfer Order lines. |
Inventory |
411902 |
The Price can't be copied when using the Copy Jobs action when a price is setup with a currency code for G/L Account, Resource or Item. |
Jobs |
415154 |
Error when transferring job planning lines to job journal lines with Items and Resources. |
Jobs |
411481 |
Prod. Orders Routings - in Queue and Prod. Orders Routings - in Prog. show lines from finished purchase orders. |
Manufacturing |
411936 |
Business Central stops when Product Structure is used and the low-level code is set to FALSE. |
Manufacturing |
411937 |
The Last Date Modified field doesn't change after changing the Due Date in a production order. |
Manufacturing |
414341 |
UoM fields are missing in the production order routing lines. |
Manufacturing |
414987 |
"Planning Flexibility must be equal to 'Unlimited' in Inventory Profile: Line No.=26. Current value is 'None'." error message when running the Planning Worksheet report. |
Manufacturing |
411903 |
The Salesperson field is not available when the Team To-do field is disabled on the Task/To-do page. |
Marketing |
411919 |
Tasks should only be editable for the organizers. |
Marketing |
411939 |
Unable to delete a contact linked to a customer or a vendor. |
Marketing |
412041 |
The interaction log entries are filled with history when creating a new contact before the first save. |
Marketing |
411489 |
Extend the "Do you want to close a purchase order?" message. |
Purchase |
411920 |
An error occurs when trying to undo a purchase receipt for a job that has a negative quantity. |
Purchase |
412078 |
The Tooltip of the Cancel button in the posted Purchase Credit Memo refers to the sales invoice instead of the purchase invoice. |
Purchase |
412179 |
"RunModal is not allowed in write transactions" error message when having duplicated Price List rows as there is a COMMIT missing in the Price List Management codeunit. |
Purchase |
412324 |
The Exported to Payment File field on the vendor ledger entries is not cleared if when voiding an exported payment file. |
Purchase |
412844 |
The Prepare/Get Recurring Purchase Lines options are not available in the purchase orders. |
Purchase |
414073 |
"You cannot change Location Code because the order line is associated with sales order XXXX." error message when assigning a blanket purchase order to the purchase line related to a special order with the same location code. |
Purchase |
414097 |
There are differences between Inventory and Bin Contents after making a purchase order with the job option and changing the job in the same document. |
Purchase |
411926 |
The remittance advice is sent by Vendor Ledger Entries line even the Combine PDF document option is set to Yes. |
Purchase |
411492 |
The tooltip for the Purchasing Code field on the Sales Order subform is incorrect. |
Sales |
411853 |
Add General Product Posting Groups field to personalize fields list for the sales invoice and the sales credit memo. |
Sales |
411858 |
An Intercompany file will be created if an error message exists when posting the shipment from a Sales Order after the Auto Send Transactions is enabled. |
Sales |
411924 |
Wrong shipment date in the capable to promise (CTP) feature when using the same item on multiply sales lines. |
Sales |
411916 |
The Edit in Excel option is missing on the Sales Credit Memos line level. |
Sales |
411928 |
"The Prepayment Inv. Line Buffer already exists." error message when trying to post a prepayment credit memo from a sales order. |
Sales |
411931 |
There are differences between Inventory and Bin if a user changes the invoice and undo the shipment after making a partial sale. |
Sales |
412020 |
The description lines are not sorted correctly when using the Create Corrective Credit Memo action for a posted Sales/Purchase Invoice that contains different shipments/receipts. |
Sales |
412079 |
The ToolTip of the Default Posting Date field in the Sales and Receivables Setup page doesn't provide sufficient information. |
Sales |
413278 |
Links and Notes are missing in the sales price list when using the new Sales price experience. |
Sales |
413201 |
The All option should be removed from the Product Type options' list of the Sale Price List. |
Sales |
413648 |
The ship-to country is not updated correctly. |
Sales |
411864 |
The contact email is blank at segment line when the contact type is company. |
Sales |
413642 |
The default price lists are duplicated when copying the company after applying the new price list experience. |
Sales |
411692 |
Error message when running GetSourceDocument function in the Warehouse Management codeunit. |
Warehouse |
411854 |
Change the shipment date tooltip at the header-level. |
Warehouse |
411867 |
Users can post a sales return order without warehouse receipt dealing with the WMS and bin mandatory location, and warehouse entries are not generated when the item uses a purchasing code that is related to the drop shipment. |
Warehouse |
412377 |
"Number of source documents posted: 0 out of a total of 1. Some ship lines remains" error message when posting a warehouse shipment due to a missing serial number which is not warehouse tracked but is required on the outbound entry. |
Warehouse |
412699 |
The inventory movement can't recognize the first expiry date after partial movement when the assembly order includes picking according to FEFO enabled. |
Warehouse |
413590 |
The posting date can't get updated in the Transfer Order when the status is set to Released. |
Warehouse |
413832 |
The Package No. Filter field in the Item table is defined with the wrong length. |
Warehouse |
414323 |
"Not enough free supply available for reallocation." error message when trying to register a warehouse pick document for a sale order. |
Warehouse |
414794 |
Pick Lines are created with blank Lot No. and Expiration Date when the existing stock in the Pick bin is reserved for someone else. |
Warehouse |
415384 |
The Bin Code is not filled in warehouse pick after using the reservation from inventory for lot tracking items. |
Warehouse |
413374 |
An Inventory Put-away can't be created for an item line on a Purchase Order for a Job but can be created for both lines if the other line is created without a job and will cause difference between warehouse and ILEs. |
Warehouse |
412889 |
FEFO Pick only suggests partial pick when part of the quantity is in the Ship bin and part of the quantity is in the Outbound Blocked bin while the quantity is enough for a full pick. |
Warehouse |
412914 |
Picks are not created according to FEFO after some picks are already registered with lot trackings and expiration dates. |
Warehouse |
412365 |
"The activity was deadlocked with another user who was modifying the Warehouse Entry table. Please retry the activity." error message when posting a warehouse shipment and a registering pick at the same time. |
Warehouse |
Local application hotfixes
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
412092 |
''The Posting Date entered must not be before the Posting Date on the Cust. Ledger Entry.'' error message when the posting a customer ledger entries application with the posting date later than the posting date in CIE in the APAC version. |
Finance |
412957 |
The value in the Additional-currency base field is incorrect in the GST Entry in the APAC version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
CA - Canada
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411364 |
The sample of positive pay export formats in the wrong processing codeunit by default in the Canadian version. |
Cash Management |
411925 |
Invoice amount total doesn't match error when the total invoice matches after overriding the sales tax amount in the statistics in the Canadian version. |
Purchase |
414331 |
Inconsistency error when additional currency is defined and the transaction includes an excise tax detail in the Canadian version. |
Sales |
CH - Switzerland
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411536 |
The SR Vendor Payment Advice report does not work when using in the preview mode in the Swiss version. |
Cash Management |
411914 |
Two reports are found in the Tell Me search when searching for "Vendor - Balance to Date" in the Swiss version. |
Finance |
411929 |
Special characters (Umlaute) are not encoded in the QR-Bill invoice in the Swiss version. |
Sales |
CZ- Czech
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
410740 |
Error when linking Banking Documents and advance payments in the Czech version. |
Cash Management |
410708 |
Can't pay purchase advance in cash receipt. |
Cash Management |
411837 |
Some reports can't be searched in the application in the Czech version. |
Finance |
412598 |
Date formula issue when setting field mapping in Data Exchange Mapping in the Czech version. |
Finance |
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411340 |
An inappropriate use of SetCurrentKey in the FactBox code is causing performance problems in large databases in the DACH version. |
Finance |
DE - Germany
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
414676 |
Checklist reports and Form reports must validate the partner VAT ID when grouping the lines in Intrastat in the German version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
DK - Denmark
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
412148 |
Issue with the standard OIOUBL format in the Danish version. |
Finance |
ES - Spain
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
413354 |
The ImporteTotal node is exported as 0 for Sales and Purchase Credit Memos using non-taxable VAT even if the Include ImporteTotal option is selected on the SII Setup page in the Spanish version. |
Finance |
411350 |
All digits from the G/L Account No. field must be printed in the Main Account Book report in the Spanish version. |
Finance |
411948 |
The Field ID Type is not filled in the SII history if a sales invoice is posted through a sales journal in the Spanish version. |
Finance |
411921 |
"Codigo[4102].El XML no cumple el esquema. Falta informar campo obligatorio.: RegistroLRBajaExpedidas" error message when posting a corrective invoice with Removal correction type and without Corrective Invoice No. in the Spanish version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
FR - France
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411866 |
Lines payment slip without series never increase in the French version. |
Cash Management |
413740 |
The detail of the Fixed Asset is printed when the Print per Fixed Asset option is set to No in the Book Value 01 report in the French version. |
Fixed Assets |
411917 |
The Intrastat file format is still incorrect after implementing the DTI fix in the French version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
GB - United Kingdom
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411950 |
The Shipment Method Code is required on Intrastat but it is not supposed to disclose by HMRC in the British version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
IN - India
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
413549 |
Add the Suggest Employee Payment function and Suggest Vendor Payments function in the Indian version. |
Finance |
414007 |
The customs duty loads on the Inventory for the purchase orders from import vendors in the Indian version. |
Finance |
412057 |
GST does not change in statistics and details tiles after changing GST rate on the transaction in the Indian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
IT - Italy
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411922 |
The reverse charge E-invoice needs to report the corresponding purchase invoice number in the Italian version. |
Finance |
412084 |
The Depreciation Book report does not report the accumulated depreciation disposal of the reclassified fixed assets in the Italian version. |
Fixed Assets |
411908 |
The link between G/L Entries and FA Entries is not correct when posting a purchase invoice with Non-Deductible VAT in the Italian version. |
Fixed Assets |
412562 |
The element "DatiDTT" should not be exported in the E-invoice file for the sales Invoice with a G/L Account in the Italian version. |
Sales |
414772 |
The partner VAT ID is not exported in the Instrastat file in the Italian version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
US - United States
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
411364 |
The sample of positive pay export formats in the wrong processing codeunit by default in the United States version. |
Cash Management |
411913 |
The foreign currency check voiding incorrect amount when using the EFT in the United States version. |
Cash Management |
411925 |
Invoice amount total doesn't match error when the total invoice matches after overriding the sales tax amount in the statistics in the United States version. |
Purchase |
414331 |
Inconsistency error when additional currency is defined and the transaction includes an excise tax detail in the United States version. |
Sales |
412356 |
The Tax Report Setup function is not populated in the United States version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
NL - Netherlands
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
414852 |
The Post Code list is not showing in the menu in the Dutch version. |
Finance |
SE - Sweden
ID |
Title |
Functional Area |
412488 |
The Total Weight must be rounded to 1 in Intrastat file in the Swedish version. |
VAT/Sales Tax/Intrastat |
How to obtain the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 files
This update is available for manual download and installation from the Microsoft Download Center.
Update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2
Which hotfix package to download
This update has multiple hotfix packages. Select and download one of the following packages depending on the country version of your Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 database.
Country |
Hotfix package |
AT - Austria |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 AT package |
AU - Australia |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 AU package |
BE - Belgium |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 BE package |
CA - Canada |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 CA package |
CH - Switzerland |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 CH package |
CZ- Czechia |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 CZ package |
DE - Germany |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 DE package |
DK - Denmark |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 DK package |
ES - Spain |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 ES package |
FI - Finland |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 FI package |
FR - France |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 FR package |
GB - United Kingdom |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 UK package |
IN - India |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 IN package |
IS - Iceland |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 IS package |
IT - Italy |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 IT package |
MX - Mexico |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 MX package |
NL - Netherlands |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 NL package |
NO - Norway |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 NO package |
NZ - New Zealand |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 NZ package |
RU - Russia |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 RU package |
SE - Sweden |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 SE package |
US - United States |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 US package |
All other countries |
Download update 19.1 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 W1 package |
How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central on-premises 2021 Release Wave 2 update
See How to install a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 update.
You must have Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2 installed to apply this hotfix.
More information
See more information about software update terminology and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2021 Release Wave 2.
Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the "Applies to" section.