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تسجيل الدخول باستخدام حساب Microsoft
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عذراً. هذه المقالة غير متاحة بلغتك.

In desktop databases and Access web apps

  1. With the query in Design view, click Parameters (Design tab),

  2. Delete the parameter, click OK.

  3. Delete the parameter from the Criteria row.

  4. Save and run the query.

Note You may not find parameters in the Query Parameters dialog (steps 1-2), but check to be sure. For an Access App, you’ll probably want to delete the associated views and macro, too.

In a Union query

Delete the clauses after each FROM statement: WHERE [field name] = [your parameter]. Delete both clauses or Access will display a dialog.

In an expression

Look for and fix any typos in field names (the most common problem). If they aren’t the problem, follow the links to articles about expressions.

See also

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بالضغط على "إرسال"، سيتم استخدام ملاحظاتك لتحسين منتجات Microsoft وخدماتها. سيتمكن مسؤول تكنولوجيا المعلومات لديك من جمع هذه البيانات. بيان الخصوصية.

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